PSSA Information

Outlined below, please find RBCS and PDE's policy for opting students out of Pennsylvania State Standardized Assessments.

The Department of Education allows parents to opt their student(s) out of taking the PSSAs under Chapter 4 of the Title 22 Pa. Code.  The only basis for a parent/guardian to excuse his or her child from the statewide assessment is that he or she finds the PSSA to be in conflict with their religious beliefs. Parents who wish to opt out their student(s) out of the PSSA’s must follow these steps:

  1. Parents/Guardians must review the test materials and sign a confidentiality agreement. Please reach out to Dr. Westby to set up a time to review the materials. 

  2. Write a letter to the attention of Jessica Ramos, CEO, and include the student’s full name, student ID#, grade level, and the scheduled PSSA subject(s). 

  3. The request must state that the parent/guardian does not want their child tested because the test conflicts with their religious beliefs; and,

  4. Include a parent/guardian signature, address, email, and phone number. 

  5. Submit this letter to Dr. Westby (via email or in person at the school), prior to the scheduled test administration date.  [email protected]